Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring has Sprung

I was actually shocked to see that I had not taken time to blog yet this entire year. That is exactly 86 days that I haven't shared a darn thing with you. You might ask, "What's new with you?" I am afraid I would have to answer...Not a damn thing....still treading water....marching in place. Well I guess that is not exactly true. There are some wonderful things going on within the family and some tragic things going on. Some of these I can talk about and some I can't.....some are secret, for now. Now that I have peaked your interest, I promise that I will blog about it all at a later date.

I am still in Arkansas and waiting for the opportunity to move to Louisiana to be closer to the kids. Still waiting for the house to sell in Baton Rouge so that I can make that move. I am SO ready to be closer to my girls and some of the grandkids. I'm pretty sure they are ready for me to be closer too!

I don't know about you but I am sick of cold weather. I can't wait for warmer temperatures (eventhough it will be harder to hide this fat body under
I have decided that I am on the road to becoming a fluffy, soft grandma. What's up with the weight gain?? Driving me crazy...makes me want chocolate ;-). It has got to stop and IF THIS CARDIO/PILATES class KICKS BUTT for several weeks I just may be able to stop the beast.

Peace Out