Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yet Another Chapter of My Story

For those of you that don't know, I buried my dear mother yesterday. For the last 57 1/2 years and even before that I had been the center of her universe. I was the baby she longed for after losing her infant daughter Janiece at 18 months. I was the miracle that happened over 10 years later. She was a wonderful mother and I tried my best to make her proud over the years. She taught me how to love one another and show compassion and so many many other things. I will always remember her smile and how loved she made me feel. I will strive to be as good a person as she was. I would not give anything for the last 9 months that I was able to spend with her. It was so hard for me to watch her become so weak and fragile. Being selfish and human, I just wanted the impossible, for her to be mom again, when the reality was that her time here on earth was drawing quickly to an end. The circle of life. There is no doubt in my mind that she is now in heaven with all of her loved ones and in no pain..with no tears. And that is how it is suppose to be. I was, and continue to be, very blessed.

I love you momma...I miss you already....see you on the other side.


Anonymous said...

She had to be amazing to raise such a wonderful woman.

Anonymous said...

You Mother raised you to be a very compassionate and wonderful caring person.

That is a the best legacy a mother could leave behind.It it makes me smile when I think of Ima's sweet face.
It also speaks volumes for the daughter she raised.
Love you much girlfriend.