Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Yikes! I actually received an offer on the house yesterday and accepted it. That means, providing the home inspection being done on Friday is okay, I will have to be outta here by November 30th. Now where will I put that Christmas Tree????

Scary? Yep, just a bit. I mean, I knew that having a sign in the yard and a realtor, etc. meant that selling it was possible. I just had gotten used to the idea that the housing market was in the toilet and I would be planting a garden in our back yard next Spring. So ya see, I am sort of in denial (again). Now I have to have a plan. Okay, I dont actually have to have one today so I will think about that tomorrow maybe. ;-) The Jackson Way ;-D (GOD I miss that man!)

All I had been planning was our Retreat to the Beach Repeat on Nov 17-25th. I am so looking forward to being with ALL the kids and ALL the grandchildren at one time. These are memories to treasure and experiences to savor. It gets me through the hard times.

So now I will sort and stuff and pack and give away and fill up the new Climate Controlled Storage Building I am going to get just down the road. I think the terms "eliminate" and then "recreate" are going to be used a lot. I am pretty spoiled (I'm sure you all agree) and I am used to someone just showing up, packing it up and unpacking it when we got there. The only thing constant here will be change ;-) and I'm sure with my friends here and God's help, we will git er done.

1 comment:

Madelyn said...

SOOO glad you're blogging! It really helps to get it all out, not matter the format. And this way you know that the people reading it are ones who love you tremendously!
